Clemens Nestroy
GRENZGÄNGE (Walking the Line)
Sounding the space between the ME, the YOU and the others
Dear YOU,
Who am I? You are YOU? And who are WE when WE are together?
Being connected, being apart, being one and containing multitudes: Do WE need a mutual “enemy” to feel connected? Do WE have to dissociate ourselves from others to become one? Where do YOU begin? Where do I end?
We play with the limits and create new spaces. WE and the others.

Lena Felicitas Eigner, Hannah Kaiser, Sophia Maria Marold, Sekrit Unzog

Fri 19.04. / 15:00
Sat 20.04. / 09:00
Festival homebase
Sun 21.04. / 10:00
Sun 21.04. / 14:00
Salon Stolz
10 +
In German